肝胆膵外科 論文(2021年)
- Tezuka K, Okamura Y, Sugiura T, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Uesaka K. The influence of familial pancreatic cancer on postoperative outcome in pancreatic cancer: relevance to adjuvant chemotherapy. J Gastroenterol. 2021;56(1):101-113.
- Matsui S, Yamamoto Y, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Imamura T, Uesaka K. The prognostic relevance of the number and location of positive lymph nodes for ampulla of vater carcinoma. World J Surg. 2021;45(1):270-278.
- Okamura Y, Sugiura T, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Sasaki K, Narimatsu H, Uesaka K. The prognostic roles of the prognostic nutritional index in patients with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):568.
- Yamamoto R, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Otsuka S, Uesaka K. Utility of remnant liver volume for predicting posthepatectomy liver failure after hepatectomy with extrahepatic bile duct resection. BJS Open. 2021; 5(1): zraa049.
- Terasaki F, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Uesaka K. Systemic immune‑inflammation index as a prognostic marker for distal cholangiocarcinoma. Surg Today. 2021;51(10):1602-1609.
- Imamura T, Okamura Y, Sugiura T, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Otsuka S, Uesaka K. Clinical significance of preoperative albumin-bilirubin grade in pancreatic cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2021;28(11):6223-6235.
- Tezuka K, Okamura Y, Sugiura T, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Otsuka S, Todaka A, Fukutomi A, Uesaka K. Predictive factors of survival in patients with borderline resectable pancreatic cancer who received neoadjuvant therapy.Pancreatolog. 2021;21(8):1451-59.
- Terasaki F, Yamamoto Y, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Aramaki T, Uesaka K. Analysis of right-sided ligamentum teres: The novel anatomical findings and classification. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2021;28(2):221-230.
- Terasaki F, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Uesaka K. The preoperative controlling nutritional status (CONUT) score is an independent prognostic marker for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Updates Surg. 2021;73(1):251-259.
- Nitta N, Ohgi K, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Otsuka S, Sasaki K, Uesaka K. Prognostic Impact of Paraaortic Lymph Node Metastasis in Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. World J Surg. 2021;45(2):581-589.
- Okamura Y, Sugiura T, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Ohtsuka S, Aramaki T, Uesaka K. Changes in patient background and prognosis after hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma by hepatitis virus infection status: New trends in Japan. Ann Gastroenterol Surg. 2021;5(4):553-566.
- Terasaki F, Yamamoto Y, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Aramaki T, Uesaka K. Description of the vascular anatomy of livers with absence of the portal bifurcation. World J Surg 2021;45(3):833-840.
- Imamura T, Yamamoto Y, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Uesaka K. Reconsidering the Optimal Regional Lymph Node Station According to Tumor Location for Pancreatic Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2021;28(3):1602-1611.
- Terasaki F, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Uesaka K. Use of preoperative controlling nutritional status (CONUT) score as a better prognostic marker for distal cholangiocarcinoma after pancreatoduodenectomy. Surg Today. 2021;51(3):358-365.
- Yamada M, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Aramaki T, Endo M, Uesaka K. Clinical Implication of Node-negative Resectable Pancreatic Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2021;28(4):2257-2264.
- Tamura S, Ashida R, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ohgi K, Uesaka K. The prognostic impact of skeletal muscle status and bone mineral density for resected distal cholangiocarcinoma. Clin Nutr. 2021;40(5):3552-3558.
- Tamura S, Yamamoto Y, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Sasaki K, Sugino T, Uesaka K. The evaluation of the 8th and 7th edition of the American joint committee on cancer tumor classification for distal cholangiocarcinoma: the proposal of a modified new tumor classification. HPB (Oxford). 2021;23(8):1209-1216.
- Okamura Y,Sugiura T,Ito T, Yamamoto Y,Ashida R,Ohgi K,Aramaki T, Uesaka K. Anatomical resection is useful for the treatment of primary solitary hepatocellular carcinoma with predicted microscopic vessel invasion and/or intrahepatic metastasis. Surg Today. 2021;51(9):1429-1439.
- Uemura M, Ohgi K,Sugiura T,Okamura Y,Ito T,Yamamoto Y,Ashida R,Aramaki T, Notsu A, Kawabata T, Uesaka K. Changes in the body composition and nutritional status after total pancreatectomy. Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery. 2021;406:1909–1916.
- 蘆田良,杉浦禎一,岡村行泰,大木克久,山田美保子,大塚新平,上坂克彦. 胆膵領域の臨床試験Up to date~これを読めば世界が見える~膵癌術後補助療法における臨床試験. 胆と膵. 2021, 42, 1, 57-60.
- 岡村行泰,谷澤豊,杉浦禎一,蘆田良,大木克久,大塚新平,田村峻介,寺島雅典,上坂克彦. 特別企画「高難度新規医療技術導入に対する取り組み」外側区域切除を除く亜区域切除以上の腹腔鏡下肝切除術に対する高難度新規医療技術の導入経験.日本外科学会雑誌. 2021,122,5,532-534.”
- 杉浦禎一. 全国消化器外科紹介 静岡県立静岡がんセンター肝胆膵外科. 消化器外科. 2021,44, 11, 1724-27.
- 大塚新平,杉浦禎一,上坂克彦. 胆嚢 先天異常 胆嚢異所性組織. 日本臨床. 2021, 別冊, 15, 286-8
- 大塚新平,杉浦禎一,岡村行泰,蘆田良,大木克久,山田美保子,上坂克彦. 胆道手術. 消化器外科. 2021, 44, 5, 543-52.
- 上坂克彦. 胆管内乳頭状腫瘍. 胆道. 2021, 35, 2, 151-9.
- 大木克久,杉浦禎一,蘆田良,山田美保子,大塚新平,上坂克彦. ガイドライン切除例の成績からみた検証. 肝・胆・膵. 2021, 82, 6, 815-21.
- 上坂克彦. 特集 膵臓外科の基本手術2021-修練医がマスターすべき術式とは 膵手術を学ぶ修練医へのメッセージ. 手術. 2021, 75, 9, 1377-79.
- 杉浦禎一,上坂克彦. 肝胆膵悪性腫瘍手術 門脈・肝動脈合併切除・再建を要する肝門部胆管癌手術. 臨床外科. 2021,76, 9, 1092-1101.
- 蘆田良,杉浦禎一,大木克久,山田美保子,大塚新平,上坂克彦. 膵頭十二指腸切除術(開腹). 消化器外科. 2021,44,10,1507-1515.