肝胆膵外科 論文(2019年)
Sano S, Sugiura T,Kawamura I, Okamura Y,Ito T,Yamamoto Y,Ashida R,Ohgi K,Kurai H, Uesaka K. Third-generation cephalosporin for antimicrobial prophylaxis in pancreatoduodenectomy in patients with internal preoperative biliary drainage. Surgery. 2019;165:559-64.
Yamada M, Yamamoto Y,Sugiura T,Kakuda Y, Ashida R,Tamura S, Okamura Y,Ito T,Ohgi K,Nakanuma Y, Uesaka K. Comparison of the clinicopathological features in small bile duct and bile ductular type intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Anticancer Research. 2019;39:2121-7.
Sugiura T,Okamura Y,Ito T,Yamamoto Y,Ashida R,Ohgi K,Nakagawa M, Uesaka K. Left hepatectomy with combined resection and reconstruction of right hepatic artery for bismuth type Ⅰand Ⅱperihilar cholangiocarcinoma. World J Surg. 2019;43:894-901.
Imamura T, Yamamoto Y,Sugiura T,Okamura Y,Ito T,Ashida R,Ohgi K,Uesaka K. The prognostic relevance of the new 8th edition of the union for international cancer control classification of TNM staging for ampulla of vater carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2019;26:1639-48.
Uchida T, Yamamoto Y,Sugiura T,Okamura Y,Ito T,Ashida R,Ohgi K,Aramaki T,Uesaka K. Prediction of portal vein thrombosis following hepatectomy for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma: Efficacy of postoperative portal vein diameter ratio and angle. Anticancer Research. 2019;39:5019-26.
Ito T, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Uesaka K. The impact of posthepatectomy liver failure on long-term survival after hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastasis. HPB. 2019;21:1185-93.
Imamura T, ymamaoto Y,Sugiura T,Okamura Y,Ito T,Ashida R,Ohgi K,Uesaka K. Infrahepatic Inferior Vena Cava Semi-Clamping can Reduce Blood Loss During Hepatic Resection but Still Requires Monitoring to Avoid Acute Kidney Injury. World J Surg. 2019;43: 2038-47.
Ito T, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Sasaki K, Uesaka K. Long-term outcomes after an aggressive resection of adenosquamous carcinoma of the pancreas. Surgery Today. 2019;49:809-19.
Ohgi K,Sugiura T,Yamamoto Y,Okamura Y,Ito T,Ashida R,Aramaki T, Uesaka K. Benign Portal Vein Stenosis After Pancreaticoduodenectomy. World J Surg. 2019;43: 2623-30.
Imamura T, Yamamoto Y, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Todaka A, Fukutomi A, Aramaki T, Uesaka K. Prognostic role of the length of tumour-vein contact at the portal-superior mesenteric vein in patients having surgery for pancreatic cancer. British Journal of Surgery. 2019;106:1649-56.
Okamura Y, Sugiura T, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Uesaka K. The achievement of a sustained virological response either before or after hepatectomy improves the profnosis of patients with primary hepatitis C virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2019;26:4566-75.
Imamura T, Yamamoto Y, Uesaka K. ASO author reflections: The accurate prognostic evaluation and optimal treatment strategy for ampulla of vater carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2019;26:621-2.
Ashida R,Okamura Y,Kanako Wakabayashi-Nakao, Mizuno T, Aoki S, Uesaka K. The impact of preoperative enteral nutrition enriched with eicosapentaenoic acid on postoperative hypercytokinemia after pancreatoduodenectomy: The results of a double-blinded randomized controlled trial. Dig Surg. 2019;36:348-56.
Waki Y, Ashida R, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ohgi K, Uesaka K. Pancreatoduodenectomy with an anomalous common hepatic artery and the left gastric artery arising from a common trunk. Journal of Surgical Case Reports. 2019;3:1-4.
Nitta N, Yamamoto Y,Sugiura T,Okamura Y,Ito T,Ashida R,Ohgi K,Uesaka K. A case of pancreatic cancer invading the superior mesenteric artery causing extensive intestinal necrosis that was successfully treated by surgery. Journal of Surgical Case Reports. 2019;4:1-4.
Terasaki F, Yamamoto Y, Ohgi K, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Ashida R, Uesaka K. Laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy for a patient with right-sided ligamentum teres. Surgical Case Reports. 2019;5:43.
Okamura Y, Yamamoto Y, Sugiura T, Ito T, Ashida R, Ohgi K, Uesaka K. Novel patient risk factors and validation of a difficulty scoring system in laparoscopic repeat hepatectomy. Scientific Reports. 2019;9:17653.
Yamamoto R, Sugiura T,Okamura Y,Ito T,Yamamoto Y,Ashida R,Ohgi K,Aramaki T, Uesaka k. Multidisciplinary treatment of left hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm after hepatobiliary resection for gallbladder cancer: a case report. Surgical Case Reports. 2019;5:192.
宮本剛士,大木克久,杉浦禎一,岡村行泰,伊藤貴明,山本有祐,蘆田良,佐々木恵子,上坂克彦. 膵性胸水を伴った膵体部癌の1切除例. 膵臓. 2019;34:106-13.
新田信人,蘆田良,杉浦禎一,岡村行泰,伊藤貴明,佐々木恵子,上坂克彦. 十二指腸壁内血腫(径12㎝)を伴った膵頭部癌の1例. 日本臨床外科学会雑誌. 2019;80:976-82.
蘆田良,杉浦禎一,岡村行泰,大木克久,大塚新平,上坂克彦. 進行肝門部領域胆管癌の手術手技・手術成績と周術期管理. 癌の臨床. 2019;65:119-24.
杉浦禎一,岡村行泰,伊藤貴明,山本有祐,蘆田良,大木克久,上坂克彦. 肝門部領域胆管癌手術. 消化器外科. 2019;42:303-13.
岡村行泰,杉浦禎一,伊藤貴明,山本有祐,蘆田良,上坂克彦. BR膵癌に対する門脈合併切除を伴う膵頭十二指腸切除. 手術. 2019;73:621-8.
大木克久,杉浦禎一,岡村行泰,伊藤貴明,山本有祐,蘆田良,上坂克彦. 特集 膵癌・胆道癌最新動向-変わる!膵癌周術期化学療法と免疫チェックポイント阻害剤-膵癌術後化学療法up to date. 肝・胆・膵. 2019;78:725-30.
杉浦禎一,上坂克彦. 肝門部領域胆管癌:残された問題をどう解決すべきか?動脈合併切除の安全性は? 再建動脈の選択は?. 胆と膵. 2019;40:399-403.