肝胆膵外科 論文(2017年)
【英語論文】 | ||
著書 | ||
1. Ashida R, Nakanum Y, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Uesaka K. Billiary tract and pancreatic neoplasms with respect to IgG4-related diseases. Biliary Diseases with Pancreatic Counterparts. New York: Nova Biomedical. 2017;235-54. | ||
原著論文 | ||
1. Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Uesaka K. Surgical indications of distal pancreatectomy with celiac axis resection for pancreatic body/tail cancer. World J Surg. 2017;41:258-66. | ||
2. Yamamoto Y, Sugiura T, Ashida R, Okamura Y, Ito T, Uesaka K. Indications for major hepatectomy and combined procedures for advanced gallbladder cancer. Br J Surg. 2017;104:257-66. | ||
3. Ito T, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Aramaki T, Endo M, Uesaka K. The diagnostic advantage of EOB-MR imaging over CT in the detection of liver metastasis in patients with potentially resectable pancreatic cancer. Pancreatology. 2017;17:451-6. | ||
4. Okamura Y, Sugiura T, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Uesaka K. The optimal cut-off value of the preoperative prognostic nutritional index for the survival differs according to the TNM stage in hepatocellular carcinoma. Surg Today. 2017;47:986-93. | ||
5. Yamamoto Y, Okamura Y, Uemura S, Sugiura T, Ito T, Ashida R, Kato Y, Ohgi K, Yamada M, Sasaki K, Aramaki T, Uesaka K. Vascularity and tumor size are significant predictors for recurrence after resection of a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor. Ann Surg Oncol. 2017;24:2363-70. | ||
6. Kohga A, Yamamoto Y, Sano S, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Ashida R, Ishiwatari H, Matsubayashi H, Sasaki K, Uesaka K. Surgical strategy for T1 duodenal or ampullary carcinoma according to the depth of tumor invasion. Anticancer Res. 2017;37:5277-83. | ||
7. Ohgi K, Yamamoto Y, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Ashida R, Aramaki T, Uesaka K . Is pancreatic head cancer with portal venous involvement really borderline resectable? Appraisal of an upfront surgery series. Ann Surg Oncol. 2017;24:2752-61. | ||
8. Ashida R, Okamura Y, Ohshima K, Kakuda Y, Uesaka K, Sugiura T, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Sugino T, Urakami K, Kusuhara M, Yamaguchi K. CYP3A4 gene Is a novel biomarker for predicting a poor prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2017;14:445-53. | ||
症例報告 | ||
1. Yamada M, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T, Yamamoto Y, Ashida R, Uesaka K . Middle segment-preserving pancreatectomy for metachronous intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm after pancreatoduodenectomy: a case report. Surg Case Rep. 2017;3:28. | ||
2. Ashida R, Sugiura T, Okamura Y, Ito T,Sasaki K,Nakanuma Y, Uesaka K . Intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct with invasive adenocarcinoma complicating IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis: report of a case. Int Surg. 2017;102:70–6. | ||
Letter等 | ||
1. Ito T, Imai T, Omae K, Sugiura T, Uesaka K. Reply to the letter to the editor regarding “The diagnostic advantage of EOB-MR imaging over CT in the detection of liver metastasis in patients with potentially resectable pancreatic cancer: Methodological issues”. Pancreatology. 2017;17:650 | ||
【和文論文】 | ||
症例報告 | ||
1. 宮田隆司, 岡村行泰, 杉浦禎一, 伊藤貴明, 山本有祐, 蘆田良, 上村直, 上坂克彦. S-1療法を中心とした集学的治療により病理学的完全寛解が得られた肝転移を伴う膵頭部癌の1例. 日本消化器外科学会雑誌. 2017;50:461-8. | ||
2. 蘆田良, 杉浦禎一, 中沼安二, 上坂克彦. 短期間に胆管狭窄が進展したIgG4関連硬化性胆管炎の1例. 胆と膵. 2017;38:611-5. | ||
総説 | ||
1. 上坂克彦. 分子標的療法は外科治療をどう変えるか 6.膵悪性腫瘍. 日本外科学会雑誌. 2017;118:634-8. | ||
解説その他 | ||
1. 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 伊藤貴明, 山本有祐, 蘆田良, 上坂克彦. 特集 エキスパート オピニオン:超高齢者の肝胆膵疾患診療 超高齢者における膵癌の外科治療. 肝・胆・膵. 2017;74:443-7. | ||
2. 蘆田良, 上坂克彦, 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰. 特集 膜と層を意識した消化器外科解剖 Ⅴ胆道の手術 胆道の手術に必要な外科解剖. 消化器外科. 2017;40:786-95. | ||
3. 伊藤貴明, 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 山本有祐, 蘆田良, 上坂克彦. 肝動脈変異症例に対する膵頭十二指腸切除術. 手術. 2017;71:873-8. | ||
4. 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 伊藤貴明, 山本有祐, 蘆田良, 上坂克彦. 肝右葉・尾状葉切除+膵頭十二指腸切除. 臨床外科. 2017;72:247-55. | ||
5. 岡村行泰, 杉浦禎一, 伊藤貴明 山本有祐, 蘆田良, 上坂克彦. 特集 腹腔鏡下肝切除に必要な外科解剖と手術手技 腹腔鏡下肝後区域切除の手術手技. 手術. 2017;71:1765-72. | ||
6. 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 上坂克彦. 特集最新の胆道癌診療トピックス―新たな治療戦略の可能性を探る―門脈浸潤を伴う胆道癌の切除. 臨床外科. 2017;72:1455-61. |