内視鏡科 論文(2016年)
【英語論文】 | ||
原著論文 | ||
1. Ito S, Hotta K, Imai K, Yoshida M, Igarashi K, Yamaguchi Y, Takizawa K, Kakushima N, Tanaka M, Kawata N, Matsubayashi H, Ishiwatari H, Ono H. Preliminary Experience Using Full-Spectrum Endoscopy for Colorectal Cancer Screening: Matched Case Controlled Study. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2016;2016:1349436. | ||
2. Kawata N, Tanaka M, Kakushima N, Takizawa K, Imai K, Hotta K, Matsubayashi H, Tsukahara M, Kawamura I, Kurai H, Ono H. The low incidence of bacteremia after esophageal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) obviates the need for prophylactic antibiotics in esophageal ESD. Surg Endosc. 2016;30:5084-90. | ||
3. Matsubayashi H, Kishida Y, Iwai T, Murai K, Yoshida M, Imai K, Yamamoto Y, Kikuyama M, Ono H. Transpapillary biliary stenting is a risk factor for pancreatic stones in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis. Endosc Int Open. 2016;4:E912-7. | ||
4. Yoshida M, Sugino T, Kusafuka K, Nakajima T, Makuuchi R, Tokunaga M, Tanizawa Y, Bando E, Kawamura T, Terashima M, Kawata N, Tanaka M, Kakushima N, Takizawa K, Ono H. Peritoneal dissemination in early gastric cancer: importance of the lymphatic route. Virchows Arch. 2016;469:155-61. | ||
5. Sugimoto S, Hotta K, Shimoda T, Imai K, Yamaguchi Y, Nakajima T, Oishi T, Mori K, Takizawa K, Kakushima N, Tanaka M, Kawata N, Matsubayashi H, Ono H. The Ki-67 labeling index and lymphatic/venous permeation predict the metastatic potential of rectal neuroendocrine tumors. Surg Endosc. 2016;30:4239-48. | ||
6. Takizawa K, Ono H, Yamamoto Y, Katai H, Hori S, Yano T, Umegaki E, Sasaki S, Iizuka T, Kawagoe K, Shimoda T, Muto M, Sasako M. Incidence of lymph node metastasis in intramucosal gastric cancer measuring 30 mm or less, with ulceration; mixed, predominantly differentiated-type histology; and no lymphovascular invasion: a multicenter retrospective study. Gastric Cancer. 2016;19:1144-8. | ||
7. Yoshida M, Takizawa K, Ono H, Igarashi K, Sugimoto S, Kawata N, Tanaka M, Kakushima N, Ito S, Imai K, Hotta K, Matsubayashi H. Efficacy of endoscopic submucosal dissection with dental floss clip traction for gastric epithelial neoplasia: a pilot study (with video). Surg Endosc. 2016;30:3100-6. | ||
8. Imai K, Hotta K, Yamaguchi Y, Kakushima N, Tanaka M, Takizawa K, Kawata N, Matsubayashi H, Shimoda T, Mori K, Ono H. Preoperative indicators of failure of en bloc resection or perforation in colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection: implications for lesion stratification by technical difficulties during stepwise training. Gastrointest Endosc. 2016;83:954-62. | ||
9. Matsubayashi H, Iwai T, Matsui T, Wada T, Kawata N, Ito H, Sasaki K, Uesaka K, Ono H. Pancreatic cystic lesions with atypical steroid response should be carefully managed in cases of autoimmune pancreatitis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016;31:270-6. | ||
10. Kakushima N, Hori K, Ono H, Horimatsu T, Uedo N, Ohata K, Doyama H, Kaneko K, Oda I, Hikichi T, Kawahara Y, Niimi K, Takaki Y, Mizuno M, Yazumi S, Hosokawa A, Imagawa A, Niimi M, Yoshimura K, Muto M. Proton pump inhibitor after endoscopic resection for esophageal squamous cell cancer: multicenter prospective randomized controlled trial. J Gastroenterol. 2016;51:104-11. | ||
11. Kinichi Hotta. Indication for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection of Early Gastric cancer. ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS OF SUPERFICIAL GASTRIC CANCER FOR ESD. Springer. 2016 | ||
総説 | ||
1. Matsubayashi H, Matsui T, Yabuuchi Y, Imai K, Tanaka M, Kakushima N, Sasaki K, Ono H. Endoscopic ultrasonography guided-fine needle aspiration for the diagnosis of solid pancreaticobiliary lesions: Clinical aspects to improve the diagnosis. World J Gastroenterol. 2016;22:628-40. | ||
症例報告 | ||
1. Matsubayashi H, Oka Y, Ito T, Uesaka K, Sasaki K, Ono H. A Case of Serous Cystadenoma Communicating with a Stenotic Santorini’s Duct and a Dilated Main Pancreatic Duct. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2016;25:551-4. | ||
2. Kishida Y, Hotta K, Shimoda T. A Diminutive De Novo Cancer of the Sigmoid Colon With Nondepressed Morphology. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016;14:e132-3. | ||
3. Matsui T, Matsubayashi H, Sugiura T, Sasaki K, Ito H, Hotta K, Imai K, Tanaka M, Kakushima N, Ono H. A Splenic Epithelial Cyst: Increased Size, Exacerbation of Symptoms, and Elevated Levels of Serum Carcinogenic Antigen 19-9 after 6-year Follow-up. Intern Med. 2016;55:2629-34. | ||
4. Shibata M, Matsubayashi H, Aramaki T, Uesaka K, Tsutsumi N, Sasaki K, Ono H. A case of IgG4-related hepatic inflammatory pseudotumor replaced by an abscess after steroid treatment. BMC Gastroenterol. 2016;16:89. | ||
5. Matsubayashi H, Aikawa Y, Sugiura T, Sasaki K, Hotta K, Ono H. Pancreatic Lymphoepithelial Cyst Showing Multiple Floating Ball-like Appearances. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2016;25:239-42. | ||
6. Chien H, Imai K, Hotta K, Ito S, Yamaguchi Y, Kawata N, Tanaka M, Takizawa K, Kakushima N, Matsubayashi H, Ono H. Tip-in EMR for R0 resection for a large flat colonic tumor. Gastrointest Endosc. 2016;84:743. | ||
7. Imai K, Hotta K, Yamaguchi Y, Hirasawa K, Ito S, Kawata N, Tanaka M, Takizawa K, Kakushima N, Matsubayashi H, Ono H. Submucosal tunneling technique using insulated-tip knife in complete circumferential endoscopic submucosal dissection. Gastrointest Endosc. 2016;84:742. | ||
8. Matsui T, Matsubayashi H, Hotta K, Sasaki K, Ito H, Ono H. A case of carcinoma in an adenoma of the duodenal minor papilla successfully treated with endoscopic mucosal resection. Endosc Int Open. 2016;4:E252-4. | ||
9. Shinjo K, Matsubayashi H, Matsui T, Kawata N, Uemura S, Yamamoto Y, Ono H. Biliary hemostasis using an endoscopic plastic stent placement for uncontrolled hemobilia caused by transpapillary forceps biopsy (with video). Clin J Gastroenterol. 2016;9:86-8. | ||
10. Kakushima N, Takizawa K, Tanaka M, Kawata N, Ito S, Imai K, Hotta K, Igarashi K, Kishida Y, Yoshida M, Matsubayashi H, Ono H. A novel wide viewing endoscope for upper gastrointestinal screening: a pilot study. Endosc Int Open. 2016;4:E190-2. | ||
11. Ito S, Hotta K, Imai K, Ono H. Overtube-assisted placement of a capsule endoscope in a patient with a swallowing disorder. Endoscopy. 2016;48:E47-8. | ||
12. Yoshida M, Hotta K, Shimoda T. Central calcification in a rectal neuroendocrine tumor. Dig Endosc. 2016;28:222. | ||
13. Imai K, Hotta K, Kinugasa Y. Difficult laparoscopic total mesorectal excision after preoperative colonoscopic tattooing. Dig Endosc. 2016;28:102. | ||
14. Iwai T, Hotta K, Imai K, Yamaguchi Y, Ito S, Kawata N, Tanaka M, Kakushima N, Takizawa K, Matsubayashi H, Ono H. Early cecal cancer adjacent to the appendiceal orifice successfully treated by endoscopic submucosal dissection. Gastrointest Endosc. 2016;83:260-1. | ||
【和文論文】 | ||
著書 | ||
1. 村井 克行, 滝沢 耕平. 画像強調内視鏡の診断ロジック. 2016:171-75 | ||
原著論文 | ||
1. 堀田 欣一, 今井 健一郎, 吉田 将雄, 伊藤 紗代, 山口 裕一郎, 滝沢 耕平, 角嶋 直美, 田中 雅樹, 小野 裕之. Cold polypectomyの是非を問う Cold snare polypectomyに内視鏡熟練度は必要か? ExpertとNon-expertの比較から. Intestine. 2016;20:451-6. | ||
2. 小野 裕之, 貝瀬 満, 野中 哲, 上堂 文也, 平澤 俊明, 小山 恒男, 豊永 高史, 土山 寿志, 小田島 慎也, 平澤 欣吾, 田邉 聡, 山本 克己, 金子 和弘. 十二指腸の上皮性腫瘍 十二指腸非乳頭部腫瘍に対する内視鏡治療と偶発症の現状. 胃と腸. 2016;51:1585-92. | ||
解説その他 | ||
1. 小野 裕之. おなかの病気-最新の診断と治療- 食道・胃内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術(ESD)の現状と展望. 四国医学雑誌. 2016;72:3-4. | ||
2. 伊藤 紗代, 堀田 欣一, 今井 健一郎. 大腸内視鏡挿入法-永遠のテーマ ワンポイントレッスン レジデント教育におけるQuality Indicatorを用いた大腸内視鏡挿入法のSelf-Assessmentの試み. 消化器内視鏡 .2016;28:657-9. | ||
3. 堀田 欣一, 今井 健一郎, 伊藤 紗代, 川田 登, 田中 雅樹, 角嶋 直美, 滝沢 耕平, 石渡 裕俊, 松林 宏行, 山口 裕一郎, 小野 裕之. 消化管拡大内視鏡診断2016 大腸 大腸腺腫,腺癌を除く大腸腫瘍および腫瘍様病変の拡大内視鏡診断. 胃と腸 . 2016;51:701-10. | ||
4. 田中 雅樹, 角嶋 直美, 滝沢 耕平, 川田 登, 小野 裕之. 消化管拡大内視鏡診断2016 咽頭・食道 中・下咽頭・喉頭病変の拡大内視鏡像 胃と腸. 2016;51:545-53. |
5. 堀田 欣一, 山口 裕一郎. 転移性消化管腫瘍 大腸 転移性大腸癌と鑑別が必要な大腸病変 腸管子宮内膜症. 消化器内視鏡. 2016;28:912-3. | ||
6. 滝沢 耕平. 内視鏡切除を極める-基本から覚悟を要する手技まで 出血予防と止血のコツ. 消化器内視鏡. 2016;28:1036-9. | ||
7. 小野 裕之. 内視鏡切除を極める-基本から覚悟を要する手技まで [覚悟を要する内視鏡切除術] 真似ると怪我するESDここが違うレジェンドの技術 消化器内視鏡. 2016;28:1099-104. |
8. 小野 裕之. 消化器内視鏡の技術革新-開発秘話と次世代内視鏡医療の構築に向けて 技術革新と開発秘話 胃ESD 開発の経緯と舞台裏 臨床消化器内科. 2016;31:1333-8. |
9. 堀田 欣一, 今井 健一郎, 伊藤 紗代, 山口 裕一郎, 滝沢 耕平, 角嶋 直美, 田中 雅樹, 川田 登, 石渡 裕俊, 松林 宏行, 小野 裕之. 大腸腫瘍-拾い上げから精密診断まで 大腸腫瘍の拾い上げ診断 ADRを高めるコツ 死角をなくす観点から. 消化器内視鏡. 2016;28:1427-31. | ||
10. 滝沢 耕平, 角嶋 直美, 田中 雅樹, 川田 登, 吉田 将雄, 岩井 朋洋, 松井 徹, 岸田 圭弘, 五十嵐 公洋, 伊藤 紗代, 今井 健一郎, 石渡 裕俊, 堀田 欣一, 松林 宏行, 小野 裕之. 十二指腸の上皮性腫瘍 十二指腸のcold snare polypectomy(D-CSP). 胃と腸. 2016;51:1613-16 | ||