Introducing Child Life Specialist (CLS)

Child Life Specialist (CLS) is a credential certified by the Association of Child Life Professionals (ACLP), U.S.A. CLS is specializing in providing psychological and social support to a child and his/her family in a medical setting. An eligible person for CLS must finish a special education course as well as a clinical training for proper professional experience and pass the test defined by the ACLP. There are 3 full-time Child Life Specialists working at the Shizuoka Cancer Center. They are providing broad-ranging supports to the child patients as well as those in the AYA generation and their families.

The job of CLS includes playing with a child patient, which is the focus of his/her life, and easing his/her anxiety through doing so. In addition, a CLS aims at supporting the child’s growth even in the hospital as if it was in the normal environment, and letting the child and his/family live their own lives whatever environmental changes they go through.

CLS keeps the following promises;


What a CLS does at the hospital includes the following;

Shizuoka Cancer Center

Shizuoka Cancer Center