Released the 20th Anniversary Commemorative Book (March, 2023)

As a part of celebration for the 20th anniversary of the Shizuoka Cancer Center, “the Commemorative

Book for the 20th Anniversary of the Shizuoka Cancer Center and the Pharma Valley Project: The Challenge Toward Ideal Medicine” (in Japanese only) was published at the end of FY2022. This comprises the history of the SCC and the PVP from the preparatory stage to today. In 1994, only 3 people including officers of the Shizuoka prefectural government started the project from scratch, and now the SCC has grown to be one of the 3 major cancer hospitals in Japan. The book contains articles written by Dr. Ken Yamaguchi, the President (currently President Emeritus) of the SCC who has been leading the SCC and the PVP since the very beginning, as well as 156 staff including doctors, nurses, other healthcare professionals, researchers, officers from the prefectural government and others, many photos, the history chart, and valuable documents. It took 6 months for the preparation. The book is in size A4, color, and consisting of 384 pages.

