We carry out researches aiming at building a community where cancer patients’ lives can be safe and at ease.
Cancer patients and their families face financial and social worries and anxieties in addition to physical and mental burdens with the disease while taking cancer treatments.
We hear opinions directly from the cancer patients and their families about their worries and burdens, and analyze them, aiming at development and provision of integrated and holistic ways (e.g. systems/tools) to lessen them.
We made large-scale surveillances nationwide twice in order to grasp what the cancer patients and the survivors were worried about or bearing heavy burdens about. The results (the patients’ free descriptions about their worries and burdens) from the first survey in 2003 have been systematized according to the “Shizuoka Classification Method,” which is to classify the patients’ anxieties systematically, and been open for public via internet.
As one of the information support tools based on the big data acquired from the surveillances, we created the web edition of the Patient Support & Inquiries with listed questions and answers (in Japanese only) .
Various information is available there for cancer patients and their families, hoping that they can continue living in their own communities with less worries and concerns about the disease.
For those who are not familiar with internets, as another of the information support tools, we also have prepared the printed booklets containing the same information as the above web pages.